Carbohydrates (Carbs)Carbohydrates (Carbs) Carbohydrate is fastest energy giving Macronutrients. Energy-(It gives 4 Calories per gram) Types of Carbohydrates 1.Sugar: Simple form of Carbohydrate. Source: Lactose(milk sugar), Glucose(Honey sugar) etc. 2.Starch : Complex form of Carbohydrate. Source: Potato, Cereals, Rice etc. 3.Fiber : Complex form of Carbohydrate. Source: Broccoli, Almonds, Peas, Salad etc. Category: Cabohydrates food Tags: #beans #broccoli #Carbohydrate #cereals #Food #fruits #honey #map #milk #pea #peas #salad #tech #technology View MoreView More
Most loved in life is FOODMost loved in life is FOOD Startups assisting farmers in managing, organising and optimising all of the tasks on their farm, with data capturing devices or decision support software. Types of food Carbohydrate Protein Fat Here you come to know about love to food So lets start Category: food Tags: #Food #map #tech #technology View MoreView More